English version 6

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
today, like yesterday, I made croissants and tarlets again, I made croissants first, I made them with great care that my dough was good and didn't break during proofing, I made tarlets with my own recipe after I did everythingI cleaned the work area again and I and some friends went out to the main kitchen to find vegetables and chicken trimmings for the children of the nation and to share Friday blessings while waiting for all the proofed croissants for 2 hours and the tarlet mixture in the chiller during1 hour I prepare food for distribution.After I finished, I made tarlet dough with rice in it so that the dough would not fall into the function of the rice so that the dough would not swell up and not fall like my dough yesterday, while waiting for us to clean the work area because today we returned home quickly because there was a study, after 2 hourspassed we made a mixture of croissants and thank God for today we have had a little more improvement our croissants today have a good cavity and expand. after finishing we clean everything and get ready for general cleaning and moving to the mosque to followstudy. after the study we are ready ready to go home.
