Daily activity Final ( English version)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

How is everyone? Hopefully the activity Always given smooth and fast Always on the job. Alhamdulillah we are reunited here after a few days absence. So, I'll go back to my blog as usual. I will again provide information about food both Indonesian food and overseas food.hopefully what I give to my friends can be useful especially to me and generally to my friends.

Thursday 31 May 2018 is the Final Day of Our Practice as group 1, where previously there have been two groups that have finished implementing it.Our menu Today is Indonesian food where appatizer with Menu jalangkote, soup with Menu sosok utan, main course with kondro bakar and appatizer with pisang ijo. We divided the section from 10 and I get the Section with the grilled condro menu.how to make it a bit complicated and takes a long time.

We are oneline and get an explanation from Mr. Jaya and We immediately prepare all the ingredients Around 10 o'clock, I immediately prepare meat for condensed fuel and then others prepare ingredients for the spices and rice.after all finished prepare we then help other groups who need While Learning What they do. At 13:00 We immediately cook all ingredients that have been prepared. After all finished one by one enter the office to explain about the 4 types we made earlier. We then prepare the food to break the fast for a while.after breaking our general cleaning then get an explanation from Mr. Ical and pray then go home then each home
